Novinka z USA : skládací Tamešiwari čtyř stupňů pevnosti, po přeražení se dají okamžitě spojit, vydrží tisíce úderů, oddílům i trenérům vřele doporučujeme ! Vyrábí se ve čtyřech barvách dle obtížnosti přeražení. Cena kompletu je 4600.- Kč, cena 1 desky je 1200 Kč. Introduction: EUROPEAN-WIDE NEW ARTICLE: We recommend: Introductional price Set 4 rebreakable boards (strengths/colors: yellow, green, brown and black) at the price of only 3 boards (during the introductory period only!) Made in USA. Lasts for thousands and thousands of breaks. Less cost/break than wood. Rounded edges = Less injuries. Stackable for power breaking. Breaks consistently, it provides a more accurate gauge of your progress. Weighs like wood, but makes far more noise for greater satisfaction. Saving trees: Environmentally friendly because it's made from recyclable nylon. Boards also available separately in the color/resistance you require. |